Design thinking is a mindset and process for human-centered innovation.

It builds creative confidence and adds many tools to your toolkit. Its core values are empathy, finding big picture problems, and measuring effectiveness. 

I love that it is a teachable, adaptable, time-efficient, and energetic approach.

Design is powerful. We're reminded daily by Apple, IDEO, Airbnb, Nike, and more.

We see these disruptive ideas, emotional products, and effective solutions. How do they explore, ideate, and reflect?


Where would you like to spend more time? (Exploring context/people, picking the question, ideating before solving, or testing ideas.) Why?


Read 10 Stories of What Works for DT in corporates.

Read The 10 Faces of Innovation summary!

>> Workshop this!

The best experience is where the right brain and left brain intersect. It is where the creative, emotional needs of the customer meets with the business needs of the company and its offerings.

It is about making something people want, with a focus on who the people are and value, and what they want and expect.

Once you know the users, it is about creating flow. Adding momentum to move from one action to the next.

It is something users know, at least intuitively, that you an learn from talking to them. It is testable and measurable.


What is feedback you've gotten from a user lately? Why is that feedback important for them in terms of values, lifestyle, motivation, etc?


Print  worksheets to create a great customer experience.

Explore HackDesign blogs on understanding users.

>> Workshop this!

How can you get into your coworker or customer's shoes? Map it out.

Get on-the-ground insight into your product, service, or brand. Find where things get stuck, and how to tweak it.

Talk to them, or start by imagining, from the beginning -- and I mean, as far back as you can go. For example, if you're mapping the work commute, start with waking up, or even the night before.

Draw out the stories. Find what they have been doing, thinking, and feeling at each moment. Look for friction, pain points, confusion, hesitation, censorship.


Think about a simple experience, say, going to work. What are you doing, thinking, and feeling each minute?


Explore Adaptive Path's experience mapping toolkit.

>> Workshop this!

Prototyping allows you to quickly test and measure what's effective and what's not working. Would it be great to launch the striking 2.0 or 3.0 with no delay in time?

The key is to create something people can interact with. Something big picture and low fidelity. Sit back and observe their interactions. Ask them to think out loud.

I've found that teams love this. We sometimes miss building things with our hands. Working with whatever resources are available nearby.

Prototyping is better communication. It is touchable, clear, and multi-dimensional. 


What question have you been working on lately? What are the many possible answers? What can you build to test and get a concrete answer?


Read 101 Design Methods for a structured approach to innovation in your company.

>> Workshop this!